Our Services

Return To Work & Injury Prevention

Return to Work Plan
Why Is This Important?

We begin by engaging in open conversations to understand your goals, values, and the specific challenges you face – not just in the context of returning to work, but also in other aspects of your daily life. Together, we collaboratively set realistic and meaningful objectives, ensuring that the entire process aligns with your specific needs.

What We Do For You

Navigating the return-to-work landscape can often be overwhelming, accompanied by a wave of anxiety. Multiple players are typically involved – your employer, insurance provider, union, family and friends, treatment providers, and colleagues. Despite being at the center, you may feel unheard, grappling with the complexities of bureaucracy, financial burdens, and external pressures. Our team of dedicated occupational therapists are ready to quarterback this intricate landscape.

As we journey forward, our focus is on providing hands-on support. We work closely with you to evaluate your abilities in real-world scenarios, introducing practical strategies and personalized interventions to enhance your confidence and job-related skills. Our philosophy embraces a gradual and customized approach, gently exposing you to work-related tasks and creating simulated environments that mirror the demands of your job.

Collaboration is the cornerstone of our approach. We not only collaborate with you but also with your employer and other treatment providers. Facilitating open communication ensures everyone is on the same page, discussing necessary accommodations and developing a phased return-to-work plan. We take on the role of advocates for you, emphasizing your strengths and needs, and fostering an inclusive work environment.

Our Goal For You

Ultimately, our goal is to guide you through a journey that goes beyond simply returning to work. We want to empower you to reclaim your professional life with confidence, ensuring that the entire process is not just a transition but a positive and meaningful transformation. Let us help you navigate this journey with confidence and purpose.

On-Site Injury Prevention Program

We have recently partnered with Core Connection Physiotherapy to offer an on-site preventative occupational health program to employers on Vancouver Island. We are in the piloting stage of this program and are focusing on the integration of tailored wellness initiatives.

The program is twofold:

1) Job-site evaluation with an occupational therapist focused on ergonomics and identification of high risk job tasks; and
2) On-site group physiotherapy tailored to the identified job demands and injury prevention.

The goal of this pilot is to yield tangible ROI data, including reduced absenteeism, diminished workers' compensation claims, and heightened employee satisfaction. If you are an employer who not only prioritizes safety, but are truly committed to creating a culture of ongoing health and wellness for their employees, we're keen on exploring how our strategies could fit within your framework and contribute to the ongoing success of your wellness objectives.